Monday, March 16, 2015

Manqele - Flabba murder-accused gets R10 000 bail - Her lawyer submitted an affidavit on her behalf saying it was self-defence.

The Alexandra Magistrate’s Court on Monday granted Sindisiwe Manqele, accused of murdering hip hop star Nkululeko Habedi, R10 000 bail.

The court ruled that,  as part of her bail conditions, Manqele must report to the police twice a week and must inform the investigating officer if she leaves Gauteng.

Reading an affidavit, Amanda Vilakazi, for Manqele, said Manqele denied intentionally killing Habedi, known as Flabba in the music industry.

Manqele said her life was in danger when she allegedly stabbed Habedi in the heart, and "vehemently denied" murdering him.

"I submit that I am presumed innocent until proven guilty," Manqele said in her affidavit.

"The State has a weak case against me... I am confident that I will not be found guilty."

Vilakazi told the court Manqele, wearing a blue hoodie and a black and white scarf that covered her face, posed no danger to society, and would be denied adequate access to legal counsel were bail not granted.

The State opposed bail, citing among several reasons, the charges Manqele faced were of a very serious nature, and dismissed the presumption that the State had no case.

It also emerged that Manqele allegedly tried killing herself shortly after Habedi was stabbed, cutting her wrists with a broken bottle.

"She does not have the docket, and she does not know the contents of the docket," prosecutor Percy Ramushu told the court.

Media restrictions 

Media coverage of the bail hearing of Sindisiwe Manqele, accused of killing hip hop star Nkululeko "Flabba" Habedi, was hampered by restrictions at the Alexandra Magistrate's Court in Johannesburg on Monday.

Reporters and members of the public assembled in the gallery were instructed by the commanding police officer at the court to not use their phones during proceedings.

However, unperturbed, several journalists tweeted during proceedings.

Photographers were told that no photos of the magistrate or Manqele could be taken during proceedings, while broadcasters were instructed to not film during proceedings.

Magistrate Gideon Schnetler granted Manqele R10 000 bail and said she would have to comply with several conditions as part of her bail.

These included reporting to the Midrand police station every Wednesday and Friday, and informing the investigating officer if she left Gauteng.

The matter was then postponed to 13 May for further investigation.

Habedi, a member of hip hop group Skwatta Kamp, was stabbed to death at his home early last Monday morning, allegedly by Manqele, his girlfriend.

Police said they were called to Habedi's Alexandra home at 04:00, where the 38-year-old musician was killed.

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