Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Suspended EFF MP Khanyisile Lichfield-Tshabalala today addressed the media at a press conference called by Andile Mngxitama. The media had expected Mngxitama to speak but it was Tshabalala who read a joint statement from the embattled party leaders.

Litchfield-Tshabalala showed no fear as she levelled accusations against the EFF president Julius Malema and his deputy Floyd Shivhambu.

“Floyd Shivambu drives a top of the range Porsche. What is a socialist leader doing living like this,” she asked.

Tshabalala also claimed that Shivambu was a regular at designer fashion store Louis Vuitton.

“How can you spend over R200 000 while there are people unemployed?” she added.

She accused both leaders of living beyond their means and using the party’s credit card for purchases such as expensive alcohol at nightclubs.

She also asked how the party leader was able to fund a R4 million wedding on an MPs salary.

“We call for a lifestyle audit of our leaders,” she said.

She added that Malema and Shivambu were the only two EFF members who did not pay 10 percent of their salaries to the party.

Tshabalala referred to a Golf 6 which was registered privately, instead of in the name of the party.

She said the owner of the company was linked to Malema and that the company's address was Malema's.

"The car is being registered in the name of the EFF. Why after the fact? Why could it not be registered in the name of the EFF when it was bought?"

She claimed that VIPs were flown to Malema's wedding in multiple helicopters.

"A leader who steals from the poor to feed his lifestyle cannot be a revolutionary," she said.

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