Sunday, December 1, 2013

Undeserved Love

When we speak about undeserved love we speak about the love received in exchange for nothing, being freely loved. Tell me who on earth can do that, maybe some people but for how long will they love with no expectation in return? 
Here we talking about the love God has for us that He gave His only begotten son that we may have eternal life and have it abundantly. 

Imagine living and walking around performing miracles, healing, saving, comforting people, etc, but knowing that soon you will be killed to again purify those you've been living with on planet earth. I guess we would all either run away or stop doing what our enemy command us to do. You know when Jesus got mocked, kicked and stabbed by the enemy he never retaliated, instead He looked up to His Father in Heaven where His treasures are at, He wasn't worried about where He was by that time (Golgotha). 

What surprises me more is that He knew that on which day and on which hour He would get crucified and He knew why all of these must happen. So, when we talk about the undeserved love we speak about the love that Christ poured on us without any expectation in return. He died for all of us so that we could see that He is our God Who rose from the dead. 

The first thing that God instructed us to do was not worship idols or any gods because He is the only true God. And the 2nd instruction which was the most important one, to love one another as ourselves so that we may have peace and experience His abundant blessings. These two commandment go hand in hand with love of God, He wants is to pass our love to the other person and again continue to worship Him only and only Him. 

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