Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Unnoticeable Voice Within

Have you ever felt like something or someone is telling you to do something and you ignore that voice and suddenly something looks exactly like what you saw before or looks like something you've seen before but remember where you saw it? 
If you don't know what I am talking about don't sweat it, it's ok. If you've experienced that we are on the same page now let me try to explain what maybe causing this or should I say let me talk about this little unnoticeable voice within. 
This voice within can sometimes be window to your success if you trust your instincts, obviously you can't trust your instincts more than God but you must trust your instincts though and submit all to God as foundation of everything. 
It is important that we as human believe that God speaks to us in a nice little gentle voice which can't be noticed sometimes. When He speaks He never speaks hushly and He speaks continually until you finally listen to what He wants to say to you. Now, try harder to take God serious and always know that He will avail Himself to us in different forms and we will only notice all these if we are closer to His presence. When we talk about the powerful unnoticeable voice within ourselves, we talk about God Himself Whom appears to us and we fail to see Him and He tries to reach out to us within our own souls as a voice where we can actually feel our own self but we still fail again to comprehend what God wants to tell us. The best we can do is to listen to the voice, whether we do what it tells us to do or not that's up to an individual choice but it is advisable to at least listen to it and rest will follow. Be blessed as you try to notice the powerful unnoticeable voice within yourself. You are a blessing, remain blessed. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Remarkable Experience

Remarkable experience - experience beyond extraordinary. This is an experience that we need in the journey of our entire lives, living life with full of experiences. Now, the experiences we may taste during the process are not obviously going to be the same nor be always good, correct? 
I hope we agree on this one, but someone may have different opinion on this one; it's understandable if you do. 
When we look at life as it is, it's unpredictable but when we look at it with a different eye, life is remarkable experience on its own, why am I saying this? 
Everyone have their own unique experiences which are not and will never be same as others, and that can only be written in one's individual book of life. God created all of these because He wants everyone to be able to tell their own unique story which can positively impact on other people whether the story is sad or good, bottom line will be the story will somehow impact positively in other people's lives, this one I am sure of. So, my own plea to the readers is that please just think about it and find someone who is going through what you went through at some stage earlier in your remarkable experience of life and give yourself a little time to tell them your story especially to this person with similar experiences so that you may positively impact in their life and improve their standard of living; this will definitely uplift their spirit and they will never ever forget what you did in their life. That's why we call life a remarkable experience, all it's good and bad are making it more interesting and wanting to experience more. Imagine if we were to wake up every morning and everything is perfect and we don't need to work little extra hard to make things work, what would happen?...the world wouldn't be this interesting indeed. Now, apart from what nearly destroyed you what else can you tell people about your life?
were you only exposed to the bad than good? 
I don't think so, there is also good things about you and that is what you can use as motivation to uplift your own current unique remarkable experience, for your own good. I hope all of these make sense to the readers and I hope we can begin saying things that will change other people's lives not only for our own benefit but also to please God Himself as He would do to the rest of His people. God loves it and He wants us to live peacefully with one another and enjoy our lives here in this world. 
Remember, your experiences are remarkable in their own unique way, embrace them and tell your story to those in need of it.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Phenomenal Strength Within

Did you know that Individuals with Phenomenal Strength refers to those individuals who are capable of lifting 50 tons or more? 
So, just imagine lifting 50 ton just using physical muscles and human strength...
When we do it scientifically a Ton is equivalent to 907 Kilograms, so in this case we multiply 50 ton by 907kg which gives us 45 350 kilograms (can someone really lift this weight? Anyway...). In reality we all have capabilities and abilities to produce this size of weight within our internal strength. That's the phenomenal strength we have inside of us especially those who puts all their trust in God. The phenomenal strength we have within can handle any kind of weight brought in by our own individual problems, and we are able to stand any kind of trial. The moment your weaknesses attack you, the phenomenal strength you have internally automatically kicks in and lifts your spirit up; so in whatever situation you are going through or whatever trials you may be facing, just think of the phenomenal strength within you and tell your problems that God gave power and strength to turn things around; not other way round. You are stronger than you think, God is with you; keep calm and rest assured. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Insignificance of the Unknown

Most people look more often on what has not yet happened, and forgetting about what has actually happened. When one thinks about the unknown and allow the unknown to penetrate through their nervous system is really a self torture, and they actually allow the unknown to take control of their lives. When we talk about the unknown we talk about thinks that we always think of before attempting our desired goals. That is worrying about the unknown which definitely is insignificant to our success. When one plan about doing something, they don't even see themselves failing in the process; all they see are the good endings. When immediately one thinks of the unknown it automatically becomes insignificant to even give it a try because behind the back of his/her mind there's a room for failure. Don't confuse the room for failure with the room for disappointment. When they say you must have a room for dissapointment, they don't say you must have a room for failure. Dissapointment can be experienced from people failing you not other way round, and a room for failure is a room for negative people. Don't get me wrong, you can fail and you aren't a stupid when you fail but please don't expect to fail because that is not for clever people. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Moving Leader

Some people still don't understand the difference between the leader, the manager and the role model. Now, must I break everything down in details? 
I will start with the manager, then the leader and lastly the role model. Once I am done you will see where you belong and where you want to be in life, and how you want to impact in others' lives. 

Now let's go...
Defining a Manager...
Is a person responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff.

Defining a Leader...
Is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. A person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.

Defining a Role Model...
Is a person who serves as an example, or whose behavior is emulated by others. Is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people.

Now that you understand the difference, pick your spot and hold on to it. People want the moving leader who is able to be a manager, a leader & a role model in all aspects of life. When young ones grow up they want to see examples of Heros and Heroins, imagine if there are none, what's going to happen to the next generation?... Now, just ensure that you master all three instead of being one of the above, remember; it also pleases God to be a master of all these three because your behaviour will be inline with what God actual wants from His people. Be a moving leader and don't be an abusive, autocratic, self-centered, dictator and Mr. & Mrs always right. Be blessed as you move like a real moving leader who leads by example striving to be a role model who manages his/her life and his/her people's lives in a way that pleases God. 

Rise Beyond Expectations

In life there will always be something that can be used against you, it's a fact. Now, how that affect you is up to you; 
why I am saying this?...
Because you are the captain of your own ship so you have power to change any situation around. When people put a barrier to limit your success or limit your capability or your abilities, all what is needed to be done by you is to say I can overcome anything that tries to defeat me; and it's vital that you understand your purpose in this world and around those living with you. You can rise beyond all the expectations and you can live your own life filled with abundant blessing overflowing like floods. Rise beyond any expectation, allowed yourself to be yourself and live freely, and most importantly allow God to travel with throughout this journey of life. You are a blessed. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

God Powered Brain

Your thinking capabilities and thinking capacity is not sufficient until you allow God to manifest in it, the ideas can be good and the implementation of your plans may be perfect but if God is not in it then it shall fail somehow; it may take a while (5-20 years) but at the end it will collapse because you believe in your own powers and understanding. Do yourself a favour and invite God in your way of thinking so that whatever you do may be righteous and blessed as you think wisely and be Christlike 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Possible Impossible

You know at times we tend to conclude and make assumptions about things that we actually don't have control over, nor can we handle. The remedy of living a good life and a prosperous one is to believe in the impossible, believing that whatever what may be impossible to achieve is indeed possible. This will first start with the believing Heart that will give hope to believe that it is possible to be a champion. 

More than a Conqueror

You've done it before, gone through it and now you think you can't make it? Think again, give it another shot and see!
You are more than a conqueror, nothing can break you apart instead it makes you even stronger BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY invite Jesus in it and walk with Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. You are not in it, you are going through it...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Uniquely Positioned

We all have our own specific tasks and duties, not only special but unique as well to make life more exciting and interesting. God knows them all but it's up to you to identify your unique speciality and excel in that area. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Absolute Maturity

We mature in Spirit when our level of FAITH actually surpasses our level of just BELIEVING, and we then after this Faith steadfast level step to the level of HOPE which brings JOY in our entire LIFE. 
Faith > Hope > Joy > LongLife 

Worry not

Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow have its own problems, rather focus on doing what pleases